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Welcome to our website dedicated to alpine plants, nature, propagation and sharing knowledge!


Here, we explore the fascinating world of alpine flora, delving into the unique characteristics of these wonderful plants and sharing insights into their natural habitat. Whether you're an experienced botanist, a nature enthusiast, or just curious, we hope you will find interesting information and inspiration here.


We also delve into propagating alpine plants and how we can contribute to the preservation and protection of these vulnerable species. Sustainability is a core component of our approach, and we explore how we can enjoy and appreciate alpine plants in a responsible and conservation-friendly manner.


Through this homepage we take you on a journey through mountainous regions, exploring the diversity of plant life thriving there. At the same time, we encourage knowledge sharing and the exchange of information so that together, we can contribute to the conservation of these amazing plants and their natural habitats.


Join Plants Above Treeline on this exciting exploration of plants, nature, propagation, travels and sharing knowledge. Explore our resources, be inspired, and become part of our growing community dedicated to preserving and appreciating the hidden treasures of the mountains.

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