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The Joint Botanical Tours Grant

The interest of alpine plants among young people seems to be decreasing and we should all encourage young people to learn more about alpines in nature and cultivation. For most people there are no more inspiring experiences than exploring this wonderful plants in their natural habitat. In nature we get the opportunity to see and learn about optimal growing conditions, and experience all the species and variations nature has to offer. And if you choose to travel with other plant people you also have the opportunity to get new useful contacts, learn from others and not the least get new friends.


Unfortunately, most young people are more or less excluded from botanical excursions due to the rather high prices. The Joint Botanical Tours is not meant to be a business concept, but rather an alternative way of traveling where we try to keep the cost, but also the standard, at a reasonable level. As part of the idea behind the concept of Joint Botanical Tours, we have what we call the Joint Botanical Tours Grant.


This grant is aimed at people between the ages of 18 and 30 who are in a training program, work in botany or horticulture, or is just genuinely interested in alpine plants.


The grant include full coverage of transport, accommodation and food at the travel destination.


The granted person will have to cover the costs of travel to and from the destination


NOTE: it is possible to apply for partly coverage of travel costs from Scottish Rock Garden Society (SRGC), even if there is no association between Joint Botanical Tours and SRGC. You can find information about SRGC Exploration Awards here.


Procedures have been established to select relevant candidates and a final recipient of the grant. In addition, a specific application form have been drawn up for the Joint Botanical Tours Grant.

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